Fish Face
Silkscreened print, 7.25" x 7.25", 2013
Fish Angel
Serigraph, 2014, 10" x 13"
Butterfly Love
Silkscreened print, 15" x 12", July 2013
Silkscreened print, 15" x 10", July 3013
Moon Eyes
Silkscreened print, 15.5" x 10", August 2013
Chinazteca 4web

Serigraph, 2013, 22" x 15"
Raven & the Buddha
Serigraph, 2015, 9.5" x 12.5"
yin yang birds 4web

Evolution, 2
Serigraph, 9" x 12", 2014
Evolution - Don't look back
2016, Serigraph, 14" x 11"
New Life
Serigraph, 2017, 12" x 13"
Water is Life
Serigraph, 2017, 12" x 9"
Blue Pelicans
2017, serigraph, 24" x 18"
Serigraph, 2017, 11" x 14"
The Two Princes
2019, serigraph, 2019
2019, serigraph, 18" x 24"
Spirit Dog
2019, serigraph. 11" x 14"
All life is related. Even if our forms are different, we are manifestations of the same great spirit. With these images I blur the lines separating the different species. I reject the notion that humans have dominion over nature. I think it important to see life this way as we face the existential problem of planetary survival.